For those of you in Erie, you know that the past week was amazing. Snow melting...sun...grass! Every inch of snow in my yard melted, even the icicles. Today, I wake up to snow half-way up my calf. A good 8 inches (maybe more, I don't have a ruler) has buried me. I don't like to call out of school (I think this may have been the 3rd time since I've been here), but there is no way my car could handle this. I don't even have snow tires! Both my road and the one connected to it have yet to be plowed. Once they get cleared I can get out of here and go to the grocery store. If I'd known that winter was coming back today, I would have gone shopping yesterday. Instead I decided to clean and study, and look where that got me...blogging on here!
So enough about the snow and what about the diet?!
First off, sorry for procrastinating.
Diet is going...ok. I cheated a bit this weekend and had two waffles Sat and Sun with some 100% maple syrup (delish) and scrambled eggs. What I don't understand is why I'm not supposed to have a lot of protein in the morning?? Sure I can have some peanut butter, but no eggs? I will say that one of the recipes I made was a parmesan crusted tilapia which is absolutely amazing. Tilapia is a light fish, not "fishy" like salmon and some others, so I like to eat it but was never sure of what to do with it. I made it with some wild rice (Uncle Ben's Sun-Dried Tomato Florentine and no, I'm not getting paid to mention it though they can feel free to contact me at any time). Oh, and balsamic vinegar? OMG, where has it been all my life. I remember trying it in a bread dip back when I was 16 at Biltmore Estate's Deerpark Restaurant with my Mom (now if only I could remember medical facts as clearly as that...le sigh). I took one bite and HATED it. And I LOVE vinegar. I tried it a few months ago in another bread dip and thought it was good so I bought a bottle. Then a week ago I tried just balsamic (with a hint of olive oil) on salad and I think I could eat that every single day. All I need to do is discover a way to make sure I can get the colour out of the tops I wear since it seems to get on my shirt every time I use it.
I have been lazy when it comes to working out. My last post about Bob...I was in pain for days. But, that is going to keep happening until I get used to it and build up some strength and endurance. So, I'm going to do Bob M-W-F, and pilates Tu-Th-Sa (Sundays off). But I'll need your help. Everyone that reads this, please ask me '"you work out? How'd it go?" You'll all help to keep me honest, and I need an external force to push me. If I do something on my own, I won't be motivated. But if others push me or are dependent upon me, I'll do more (isn't that just like a woman? Putting others ahead of yourself).
I LOVE Sam Champion. I swear, when I'm in NYC, I am going to go outside and try to get a kiss from that man on live television. Just you watch.
And Courtney? This is for you.