No, it's not exactly cheap, but it is a ton of fun.
I had gotten some comments while I was in school about my eye-makeup. I like to play with colours (and, of course, neutrals) and had gotten a few comments on them. My re-interest in makeup was sparked. I found tutorials online on a copy of one of Bella Swan's looks, and then I met TiffanyD. I love her videos. Her looks are fantastic and not that difficult to do. A goal of mine, once I get a better laptop and camera, is to have a YouTube channel where I show people how it looks when I, a non-makeup artist, does some of the looks I see in other videos, as well as some of my own creations. I loved colouring as a kid and now I'm back to it...on my face!
A friend of mine is graduating from medical school today (congraduation!). She had a party last night and wanted me to do her makeup because she loves how I do my eyeshadows. She's Indian (as in from India, not Native American) and has an interesting eye shape. She told me she'd had makeup done by makeup-artists in the past and they seemed to have a hard time with her eye shape. She has this weird thing where her eyes stick out a bit and one lid has 2 creases, the other 3. No pressure, right?
So I came up with some looks based on the party-factor and that she likes Kim Kardashian, and I knew she wanted something with blue. One look was based off of TiffanyD's blue and purple party look, another was a kind of silvery-navy smokey eye. We tried the silver on, and she (and her sister) decided it was a bit too dramatic. Yesterday when I showed up she decided to not go quite so Kardashian. I brought my stuff with me and just sort of winged it. I'm actually really glad with how it turned out. Both her and her sister loved it. Sohini was so excited, and she got her blue with sparkles (and falsies, of course). Once I get photos I'll post them. I'm also going to start a beauty blog with more info. I may actually do the look on myself and just post a video on that. So many ideas!
I will also be doing my Mom's makeup for her wedding, so I'll be sure to post that. Only issue is that I'll be using a Dior palette which isn't on the market anymore. I'll be sure to describe what I do so if someone wants to replicate, they definitely can.
In other news, 3rd year is done! Technically it's not, I still have one exam left in 2 weeks, but other than that, I am 3/4 of a doctor. It's pretty crazy. Some friends are graduating today and it's made me think...part of me cannot wait for it, and another part is worried. I mean, as of now I have NO idea where I'll be living and working in a year, plus I'll actually be responsible for not killing/hurting/maiming people. Kinda huge. But, I will no longer be a student. I will be getting paid, I'll be able to teach other students, and I'll be one step closer to really beginning my career.
Again, no pressure.
In the words of the Hitchhiker's guide...
TiffanyD's blog